Product Description
From a single-family house to a large-scale residential complex. The new XIP system from Bpt uses an ethernet distribution network as the main vehicle for communications between all the gateways. This means that the system can be expanded almost infinitely, while at the same time maintaining the traditional system of connection between the entry panels and the receivers. This structure makes installation of the system components rapid and simple. In addition, a wider range of models can be selected for installation at the various points in the system.
By utilizing traditional cables to wire up the entry panels, it is possible to install long-distance connections as well as to connect points that the existing data networks cannot reach.
The system also features the access control function, which supervises and controls all access points in the complex, as well as a range of porter services, which complete the functions provided by XIP.
unlimited wiring distances created for large residential structures
utilizes the X1 system receivers and risers
H.264 Video Compression
compatible with all entry panels in the Thangram and Digitha ranges designed to support fibre optics, radio links and dedicated lines Access control with advanced functions
Video entry systems
With Xip, the features offered by X1 are expanded to increase the possibility of communication between the various blocks. Ethernet provides an almost infinite number of simultaneous calls; thanks to ip, new and more powerful tools are now available: bi-directional video calls, re-routing and transfer of calls. A system with unprecedented flexibility.
The images from any of the entry panels and traditional or ip video cameras can be displayed on any receiver and at all the porter stations connected to the system. The video cameras can be connected to the system power supply modules or directly to the gateways via dedicated selectors.
Access control
The system features sophisticated access control functions for a large number of users that can be programmed remotely via a simple internet interface. The access permits for the individual users can be reconfigured dynamically from the porters’ stations, and historical events can be displayed.
The BDDE support – a sophisticated dynamic replication procedure – ensures the integrity of the data even in the event of partial outages.
Porter services
All the functions of the system can be controlled via the porter services using software that can be installed on any standard PC. The porter services feature a simple interface (for touch panels also) with the following main functions:
- Bi-directional video call
- Interception of calls according to time profiles
- Porter group hierarchy
- Management of profile exceptions
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